Thursday, November 9, 2006


Approximately one year from now I plan to have run a half marathon somewhere in the state of Texas. I have wanted to do it for a long time, but last weekend I decided for sure.

We had our annual Youth Retreat(which was great, by the way) and my good friend Ricky Pruitt came to speak to our students. He is a marathon runner and through some conversations that had and some stories he shared it pushed me over the edge. I like the thought of being able to say that I did something that my head and heart question whether or not I can actually do.

I plan to start slow and be realistic and therefore am only going to commit to finish a half-marathon before the end of 2007. I expect it to be hard, I expect it to be a challenge, I expect the impossible to become possible. I look forward to having to rely on God's strength above my own. (I also think that runners have really cool lingo and use cool words so I hope to pick up some of those along the way too!)
I will occasionally try to post updates about my training because I plan to run some smaller events between now and then. My first is going to be the Turkey Trot in Tyler, TX on Thanksgiving Day. It is a 5k and I am counting it as my first "official" run to kick of the pursuit of the half-marathon.

On a related note, I also started a marathon reading of the Gospel of John. There are about 16 students in our youth ministry that have committed to do this with me! I am planning to also post thoughts and comments about the things I read here as well. I look forward to hearing what some of you have to add to this conversation as well. May the the Greatest marathoner of all bless us as we pursue pushing our hearts, minds, and bodies to a new level!!


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